Friday, May 9, 2008

New forms of media publishing

What are the new forms of media publishing? There are mobile blogging, video bloggings and sketch blogs. Some people might not love reading but they love to watch videos. Youtube is the solution for people that love and want to watch videos. YouTube has been very successful and contributed a lot to the community where people can upload their videos, download the videos and share the videos with one another.

Democrats Debate from

In United States, people upload the video of general elections to show other people and share around with others. The debate of presidential nomination is between Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton and the videos are showing at the YouTube where people can view and know more about the general election of United States. Political issues are the trend in the United States and are shared among people. By posting up the videos into your own blog will increase the web presence and audiences’ responses (Stack 2006). Videos on internet are expanding very fast especially with YouTube which is famous and accessible anytime and anywhere.

Reference Lists:

Stack, C. 2006, “Benefits of using videos online”,, Viewed at 7th May 2008 at <>

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