Types of blogs
How many types of blogs out there? I have to say there are many types but I will keep it short and clear here. There are entertainment, fashion, foods, politics and many more.
Examples of types of blogs are below:
Entertainment Blogs:
Foods Blogs:
Fashion Blogs:
Poliltics blogs:
Bloggers use what type of devices?
What types of devices that bloggers use? Mobile blogging as known as Moblogs? Yes. Most of them use moblogs to post their entries up-to-date. According to Business Wire (2007), they have identified 3 celebrities using moblogs and they are YouTube star William Sheld, MySpace icon Christian Dolce and Florida-based band Madelyn. With moblogs, it will be convenient for the bloggers to update everywhere and anytime.
Moblogs from kennysia.com
Kenny Sia, our local Malaysian blogger also use Moblogs to update his blogs and he mentioned that it is very convenient and can be use anytime and anywhere (Sia 2008).
Blogs have combination of styles?
How do you identify the unique style of a blog? Well, it depends on individual. For me, the first thing I will look at images of the blogs. For example, The Bitter Stick Girl, she use images to express her on going obstacles and joyful moments in her life. Pictures illustrate a thousand words.
Image from StickGal.blogspot.com
Blogging Community
What do you understand by blogging community? Friendster and Facebook are blogging community. People use blogging community to interact and share interests among them.
How do you create a blogging community? Linkings are important and one of the important tools to interact and share same interest with one another. According to Wired Pen (2007), hyperlinks give benefits which are build networking, audiences are shared, and clearly and more information (cited in Ackland & Gibson 2006). Chatbox is one of the interactive tools in between bloggers and readers. Include pic*fashion syrupy.
Through comments, people tend to know more and get feedbacks based on their comments. For example, Paul Tan, car bloggers, he replied to the comments that his readers made. According to Hung (2007), he mentioned that create news on other bloggers’ blogs to get back to your own blog.
Comments from Paultan.org
One blogging community trend
Nowadays, celebrities even start to become bloggers so they can share their ideas, interests and personal life with their fans. MySpace is popular for music, blogs, profiles and many more. In MySpace, people can create group, bulletins, news, classifieds and others where the community can get specified information or interests. For example, Paris Hilton writes about her career and personal life by using MySpace.
Reference Lists:
BusinessWire.com 2007, “3 Guppies’ Moblog Popularity Increases”, Viewed on 7th May 2008 at
Hung, T. 2007, “How to market your blog in 2007”, ProBlogger, Viewed on 8th May 2008 at <http://www.problogger.net/archives/2007/01/11/how-to-market-your-blog-in-2007/>
Sia, K. 2008, “Kennysia.com Goes Mobile”, Viewed on 7th May 2008 at <http://www.kennysia.com/archives/2008/04/kennysiacom_goe.php>
WiredPen.com 2007 “Strategies for analyzing online networks”, Viewed on 7th May 2008 at <http://wiredpen.com/2007/05/23/strategies-for-analyzing-online-networks/>